Dare to Care Drag Race: Nokia 5110 versus Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

The Goos3D Dare to Care kitty is creeping towards €100. Of course, once €100 is hit, we will be turning off our smartphones are moving our lives onto Nokia’s. For myself, it’s a Nokia 5110 but we’ll hear from the others as we go on.

To celebrate, for want of a better word, giving up my smartphone, I decided to have a little drag race. On the left is the gorgeous Nokia 5110 and the right is the mighty Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. The drag race is to determine which boots faster. Simple.

Table of Contents

The drag race

Dramatic stuff.

You can make Martin and some other members of the Goos3D.ie team suffer longer by donating to the Dare to Care campaign below. You’ll also be supporting the Irish Cancer Society and their fantastic work.

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Founding Editor of Goosed, Marty is a massive fan of tech making life easier. You'll often find him testing something new, brewing beer or finding some new foodie spots in Dublin, Ireland. - Find me on Threads

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