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Tag: covid-19

mercedes F1 u-mask

Italy Bans U-Mask: Is U-Mask Still Safe To Wear?

Early in the pandemic, I took it upon myself to find the best face covering to wear. After finding a few decent masks, I...
Dublin Smartphone Film Festival 2021

Dublin Smartphone Film Festival: Attend A Festival In Lockdown

Do you remember the really early days of lockdown where we weren't sure how much new entertainment we'd have for a while? Like, do...

Access Google Classroom On Xbox and PlayStation

Right, back to it. Tomorrow a new kind of class reopens. A virtual classroom. Many schools will be teaching students remotely. This means lots...

What Is OnlyFans? Right Time For This Social Streaming Platform

On many popular social media platforms these days you might have seen reference to OnlyFans. In this brief article, I'll give you a quick...

Facebook To Ban QAnon Across All Platforms

Facebook is a powerful platform. If you've watched The Social Dilemma, you know how it works despite Facebook disagreeing. But for along time, a...
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The Last Stand Of The QR Code

User experience is something that changes dramatically as technology changes. Developers and designers quickly adapt and adopt to what consumers like you start to...

Is The Skerries COVID Video Real?

A video has begun to circulate on social media today regarding COVID-19 and Skerries. Whether or not the video is real is the subject...
google sharing personal user data

Google Play Services Sharing Sensitive Data Of COVID Tracking App Users

I'm going to start this article in a very important manner. The COVID tracking app developed by Near Form on behalf of the HSE...
someone using the irish covid tracking app

COVID Tracking App Downloaded Over One Million Times In Ireland

Less than 48 hours ago I brought you news that the HSE had launched Ireland's COVID tracking app. The app has already reached one...
closca face mask in aldi

Closca Face Mask Review: Reusable, Sustainable, Filter Cloth Face Mask

Face masks or face coverings are set to become mandatory in Ireland. While making them mandatory is a positive step for public health, it...