You can now apply for jobs online through Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant

Job applications. One of the most boring, repetitive, stressful and tedious things we as a society need to do. Back in the pre-internet days, a person could walk into a shop unemployed and walk out with a job. As society progressed, CV’s and resume’s became more the norm. Going from shop to shop, handing CV’s into managers hoping for a call back. Then the internet brought us online applications. Writing up a CV, then having to apply on a companies website, re-writing everything you already have on you CV and having to submit your CV anyway. Oh, the humanity. Well, how we apply for jobs has just become much easier thanks to Alexa and Google Assistant who have collaborated with McDonalds.

“We must continue to innovate and think of creative – and in this case, groundbreaking”

As of today, McDonalds have announced a new feature they call “Apply Thru”. Apply Thru makes applying for jobs at McDonalds so much easier and stress free and hopefully will pave the way for other companies in the future. McDonalds release the following press release advising how it works, “After beginning the experience via Alexa or the Google Assistant, all they’ll need to do is answer a few basic questions out loud. They’ll receive a text, following their responses to these questions, with a link to complete the application process online. Simple as that.”

“We must continue to innovate and think of creative – and in this case, groundbreaking – ways to meet potential jobseekers on devices they are already using, like Alexa,” said McDonald’s chief people officer David Fairhurst.

So users won’t be able to complete their application from start to finish via voice control, however, it will make the process a bit simpler. The new feature is currently available is  Ireland, the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. You can get the ball rolling through this link and try it out for yourself..

What do you think of this new way of applying for jobs? Do you think it could take off? Or just adds an extra step to the process? Would you feel a bit cautious in telling Alexa and Google you personal details and having them hand it over too McDonalds? Yet another multinational with data on you? Let us know what you think!

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One half of The Goosed Podcast, Dean is passionate about football and fantasy football, but just isn't that good at it. Fortunately, technology trends both past and future are just his cup of tea. Goosed Tower Limerick needs its dose of Dean to keep us all firmly on the ground. Read more by Dean

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