Every now and then I stop and assess just how bonkers a year it has been. I’ve laughed every time that I’ve seen the meme doing the rounds about corporate change and who drove it. Was it your CEO, COO or COVID-19? It’s a joke, but it’s also really not. For years company decision makers have refused to adopt working from home for an array of reasons but in 2020 they’ve had no choice. Now, a huge number of office-based workers are working from home offices, bedrooms, kitchen tables and even couches. If you’re one of these people and you need a desk, there’s an Irish company which have the perfect work from home desk for you.
The Flying Elephant Work From Home Desk
Every cloud has a silver lining. There’s not doubting how horrible and tragic COVID-19 has been for everyone but it has brought with it unique changes to our lives. With this unique changes comes unique opportunities for new business. Flying Elephant pounced on that opportunity by quickly promoting their work from home desk.
The team kindly sent one over to me to check out. I was blown away by how such a nice desk to work at could be created and shipped so quickly before being assembled even quicker.
The desk comes in just four parts and there’s no tools required to assemble it. It’s all precision cut timber that simply slots together. You can get either plain wood or laminate finish, I personally love the plain wood.
Prior to this desk landing I was working at an IKEA dinner table. Specifically it’s one with folding table surfaces which means it was actually quite irritating to work at because it would squeak and rattle a lot. The Flying Elephant desk is solid as a rock and offers a generous work space too. If you’re slightly longer legged, the mid-beam might get in the way but if that’s the case, it’s worth contacting the company as they do some custom work too.
In the coming weeks and months, you can likely expect companies to start providing working from home funds if they don’t already. So whether you’re spending your own money or money your company has allotted for you to set up at home, this work from home desk by Flying Elephant is great. It’ll set you back €149 and you’ll get it next day in Dublin, within five days around the rest of Ireland or within six days in Europe.
That price is a little spicy for what some will consider a short term use desk. But for me, this desk is a more permanent solution with the big benefit being that it can be taken apart easily and stored while not in use.
If you head on over to the Flying Elephant website you can even use augmented reality to view what this work from home desk might look like in your gaff.

The Extended Flying Elephant Range
Coming into Christmas there’s a wide range of new products The Flying Elephant has added to their online shop. These are some cracking ideas in there too. We’ve decided a Christmas tree probably isn’t going to work in the apartment this year given there’s two of us working here but maybe Flying Elephant as the perfect solution in a reusable laser-cut timber tree.

There’s loads of other beautifully manufacturer and guaranteed Irish product on their website. Worth a look if you’re doing the Christmas shopping early.