Sega Forever: Relive your childhood on your smartphone


Retro gaming can still leave us wasting a couple of days in a row. We’ve already spent more time that we should have in Token trying and failing to beat some high scores. Thankfully, Token closes it’s doors from time to time so you have to go home. Sega spotted this and have gone and released a load of their classic console games for free on Android and iOS. This is Sega Forever.

What games are available on Sega Forever?

Sega hasn’t gone the whole hog to start with but there are a few classics available for you to play right now:

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog
  2. Altered Beast
  3. Phantasy Star II
  4. Kid Chameleon
  5. Comix Zone

So, there’s no Mortal Kombat or Streets of Rage – yet. Sega will be releasing new games every two weeks.

sega forever games at launch

What are the games like?

Playing without a proper retro controller is never as enjoyable as the real thing but still, Sega Forever will scratch a retro itch. One massive detractor from the whole experience is the ads. Unskippable 30-second ads pop up every time you pass a level. I know Sega has to make money and all that, but considering you can get most of these retro games on your laptop with free emulators, they’re really preying on the non-techies out there.

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Still, a sorta freebie to get you out of a retro buzz should you feel so inclined.

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