Oh Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.
Last year, Samsung had one of the worst PR disasters ever seen in the mobile phone industry. Exploding batteries = recalls = massive brand damage. Sad faces in Samsung HQ? No. Recovery was on their minds. And oh boy, have they come back with a bang.
Introducing the “Infinity” Display

One look at the Samsung Galxay S8 and S8 Plus, and you will see the major change. The Infinity Display is the thing of dreams. A full edge to edge display.
The screen has increased from 5.1″ on the Samsung S7, to a massive 6.2″ on the Samsung S8 Plus. A little less on the S8, where the screen measures in at 5.8″ and is thinner than its older brother.
Yet the handsets themselves hasn’t increased much in size by comparison. The Samsung S8 Plus is roughly half an inch longer, and less than a tenth of an inch wider. The result? You have a phone where 86% of the front is the screen. If words will not do it justice, this video will.
You see what I mean? The Infinity Display is unlike anything you’ve ever seen on a smartphone before. A game changer. Something that you expect to see in Tony Starks basement.
Military-Grade Security
Information Security is a massive buzz with everyone these days. We’ve written some articles on how to keep your data safe. The Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus take security to Trump levels of security.
Fingerprint scanners are the norm nowadays on high-end smartphones. Samsung has gone that bit further. Both the S8 and S8 Plus come with facial recognition and an iris

scanner. Facial recognition is nothing new, it was a key feature of the Samsung S4. Iris scanning is a new innovation. Every person is born with a unique iris in their eyes, more so than a fingerprint. This can now be used to unlock both handsets.
Sceptical? So was I. Using iris scanner alone, you need to position your eyes correctly for the device to recognise you. The trick is to use fingerprint and iris scanner in tandem. Using both at the same time, and your phone unlocks straight away. Magic!
Iris scanner also unlocks the secure folder functionality. It’s like having a mini vault on your phone for all your ‘personal’ apps and files. You can even have a second WhatsApp number tucked away, but don’t let your significant other find out. That could be a very awkward conversation.
Other Key Features
There are so many features on the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus,
that we could write a novel. Some more of the good features include the camera. This is the same award-winning camera that came with the S7. For any Snapchat fans out there, both come with some built-in smart filters that can be used through the camera app.

The front facing lens now has autofocus, for anyone who has serious notions about themselves! Some nice tweaks to what came with the Samsung S7, but nothing revolutionary.
Multitasking has been enhanced as well. While basic functionality remains the same, Samsung has introduced something called “snap window”. This allows you to keep a specific area from an app at the top of the screen, while you use another app at the same time. Think of it as having your own football ticker tape across the top of the screen, and you get the idea.

Samsung also released its own virtual assistant on the S8 and S8 Plus. Bixby is not designed to compete with Siri or Google Allo. It’s is more designed to work in tandem with everyday functions that you use on your smartphone. Unfortunately, it has the same level of useful as a chocolate teapot. At least for now. We live in hope that Samsung develops it further.
As an added sweetener, both the Samsung S8 and S8 Plus come with headphones tuned by AKG in the box. Samsung recently purchased Harman Kardon, including the AKG and JBL audio brands. The headphones are worth approx €99, so not a bad gift to get with your new phone.
Final Thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus?
Samsung is on to a massive winner here. Both phones are exceptional. Everything you have on the Samsung S8 comes on the S8 Plus. The differences are the obvious ones. Bigger screen, and a bigger battery life. Other manufacturers in the Android space will need to deliver something special to compete. HTC may have some tricks up their sleeve with their latest flagship. We’ll be interested to see what comes out, but for now, the Samsung S8 and S8 Plus represent the best that is available.
The biggest challenge may yet come from Tim Cook and the lads at Apple. This year is the 10th anniversary for iPhone. This may have motivated Samsung even more, to produce a near perfect device. And they have as I even prefer it to my Nokia N95.
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