VRinOR: First live VR streamed operation

The beauty of virtual reality is its ability to present you with scenarios you once only imagined possible. Of course technically you are still imagining, but never-the-less, VR is about to make the next step with VRinOR.

VRinORWhen Mark Zuckerberg announced his belief that VR would be the next platform, this is exactly what he meant. A surgery team at the Royal London Hospital are preparing to partake in the world’s first virtual reality surgery. Teaming up with Medical Realities,  the team will complete a surgery on a 70 year old man suffering from colon cancer. You can watch through an app called VRinOR.

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What is VRinOR

VRinOR is, as you may expect, Virtual Reality in the Operation Room. For many such an event appeals due to the morbid curiosity, while for others it’s an impressive technical feat. In truth, the best part of the event is trainee surgeons being immersed in an experience not possible in the past.

Dr Shafi Ahmed, the doctor carrying our the surgery believes the event will provide an “unparalleled learning opportunity”, while the gentleman going under the knife outlined his excitement to be involved in the experiment.

You can view the surgery live on Thursday 14th April from 1pm on iOS, Android or by searching for VRinOR in the Oculus Store.

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Founding Editor of Goosed, Marty is a massive fan of tech making life easier. You'll often find him testing something new, brewing beer or finding some new foodie spots in Dublin, Ireland. - Find me on Threads

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