Duet is a great use for your old iPad


The life cycle of technology means even cooler stuff is condemned to that drawer where tech goes to die, but former Apple engineers have now developed a great use for your old iPad.

Duet allows you to use your old iPad as a secondary display for either your Apple or Windows device. Right now you fall into one of two categories: why would I need that or good lord that’s amazing. If you’re the latter, read on.

Duet is a great use for your old iPadThe best part of Duet is the quality of the user experience. The developers, using all of their past experience with Apple, have created an experience that users will genuinely enjoy as if they are using a HDMI or VGA secondary screen. Connect your iPad or iPhone to your device using either a Lightening or 30-pin cable, download the PC or Mac software and the iDevice software. From these simple actions you’ll have a secondary display, which can increase productivity by up to 48%. Really not a bad use for your old iPad at all.

If you are using Duet with OS X on Mac, you will have the extra benefit of being able to interact with your secondary screen via touch. Visually, you will also enjoy Retina Display at 60 frames per second, with the developers claiming zero lag. It’s never been easier to carry a secondary display with you on your travels.

Help Us Pay the Bills

Admittedly, Duet is likely one of the more expensive applications you’ve had to mull over, coming in at €19.99. But, upon delivering their promises the developers deserve more than one of two pints, having found a great use for your old iPad and saving it from the drawer of death.

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