Myhixel: Where Science, Innovation and “Self-Love” Combine

Sextech – it’s a thing and it’s not going anywhere! While at we are lucky to get our hands on a rake of different tech to review for the good people of Ireland, every so often something lands on that is a little off the beaten track. Take that joke as you will. Anyway recently we were sent the Myhixel, a product that is made to help those who suffer from premature ejaculation and as the only single male of the team I guess you could say I drew the ahm short straw and being left in isolation with the newly granted PornHub premium for all, this could be a great toy to save some of that valuable toilet paper of the coming weeks. Anyway I know we are all Irish and we’re about as comfortable with these topics as a Graeme Souness is at complimenting Paul Pogba, so here’s the fact, we’ve all been home for weeks so let’s not kid ourselves we’ve all had a little self diddle at some stage recently so can we just get on with the article….cool thanks.

Stacking Up

The reason for a product like the Myhixel is obvious once you see the numbers. Approximately 31% of all men between 18 and 56 years of age suffer from premature ejaculation, and 85% of these men prefer to keep quiet about their problems. This is typical dude logic, and especially when it comes to their little buddy, they don’t want friends or partners to know about problems under the hood so as per the usual they keep it quiet. Personally I don’t get it, men we love our mickeys and if our lungs were having problems and there was a product to help we would use it, so how is this any different really?

Because of these outstanding numbers surrounding premature ejaculation MYHIXEL have launched a first of its kind, proven scientific solution – Myhixel device I and Myhixel play app. By combining the two and not just landing your piece into the device you can use the anonymized Myhixel Play app with a gamified and personalized scientific program with the advanced Myhixel pleasure device, designed specifically to achieve climax control.  The team of sexologists, urologists and scientists have combined a gamified program of activities that users can play like a game, with this aid-device that simulates real penetration. Essentially and excuse my language here but the app is essentially a bunch of levels and you have to out wank the clock, or beat the clock by beating off if you will.

Following clinical trials, they have found that this product can help men control their climax up to 7x longer in an easy, comfortable and fun environment, without resorting to drugs, anaesthetic creams or numbing treatments. Honestly, I have definitive data myself as I’m very single so have no base to work from in terms of duration and the isolation means having no opportunity to test the results, but heck it’s a great time training.

What is Myhixel?

The company is a Spanish Startup founded in 2017, who we were hoping to catch up with at the recently cancelled WMC2020 to discuss their mission of improving male sexual well-being. With almost 5 years of medical research under their belts, led by a team of internationally renowned sexologists (didn’t even know this was a job) the Myhixel offers the only solution on the market that allows men to control their ejaculations naturally.
It’s a revolutionary method that combines the cutting-edge pleasure device, MYHIXEL I, together with a game-oriented methodology using the MYHIXEL Play app, which allows men and their partners to reach a new sexual level.

Female-Driven Leadership

Unlike most industries and tech, in particular, sex-tech is heavily female-led, and damn right in my opinion when sexuality has been oppressed for so long I’m delighted to see the industry which 90% of products are aimed at a female market being led by women.
Patricia López Trabajo leads the Myhixel, born in Seville, she has extensive experience in several very diverse sectors, among them tourism and the eroticism industry. In fact, after working for several years for leading brands in this field, she became aware of the lack of products available for improving male sexual well-being. This is one of the main reasons why she embarked on the adventure of founding the company.
“Currently there are many companies with products for female sexual wellbeing; however, it is difficult to find specialized brands for men. In MYHIXEL we want to respond to this need, and, for this reason, we have developed a scientifically-proven method, the
result of pioneering research in its field, which aims to improve the quality of sexual relationships by controlling a man’s climax, in a natural way and with no side effects”

Science, Innovation and “Self-Love” Combine

As we mentioned earlier 31% of men between 18 and 56 years of age suffer from premature ejaculation, and 85% of these men prefer to keep quiet about this worrying problem. This is according to a study carried out by the National Health and Social Life Survey (LNHES). This is a substantial percentage of the male population granted I’d like to at this point mention it’s not a problem I have but any extra enjoyment I and someone can get from a product like this then why the hell not right. Most men are very interested in achieving ejaculatory control and improving their performance in bed!
After about 5 years of research with more than 500 patients, they have proven Myhixel to be the only natural treatment that allows men to control ejaculation, tripling the endurance of men during intercourse. The renowned international publication The Journal of Sexual Medicine has published the results of the latest clinical study carried out with the MYHIXEL I device showcasing the true value of the product. And for what it’s worth if you’re looking for pleasure over performance or just a change of pace from Pamela or The Stranger, then this is a wonderful wee treat for the boys.

A Different Plan For A Different Man

Thanks to two customized solutions and with an understanding that every man is different with different needs, naturally they have a two-pronged approach to pulling the plonker:

Myhixel Med:

This is a cognitive-behavioural treatment protocol for ejaculatory control that combines the MYHIXEL Play MED application, designed specifically for men who ejaculate in less than 3 minutes during penetrative sexual intercourse, with MYHIXEL I, a unique device that offers you the most realistic sensation of penetration. This combination has proven to triple men’s sexual stamina and performance in a totally natural way.

Myhixel Pr:

This is the answer for men who want to take things further during sexual intercourse through ejaculatory control. MYHIXEL TR combines the MYHIXEL Play TR program of game-based activities, designed for men to learn specific motor skills that will improve the quality of their sexual performance, together with MYHIXEL I, a state-of-the-art pleasure devise. You really can reach new levels of sexual pleasure for you and your partner. See it’s not just for early shooters, and who knows your significant other might just enjoy your newly found control.
Once the most suitable option has been acquired, the user will have access to his own specific program through the app and will be able to reach new levels of pleasure in his sex life and via the website, you’ll be able to have a consultation with professionals specialized in the field of sexology. They will help you to maximize your results and will be able to answer any questions that may arise (hehehe) throughout the process.

Myhixel Play

While you can use the device on its ownsome for some happy alone time, ideally you are meant to combine the product with it’s app.
Myhixel is a pioneer in transforming the latest medical advances into unique sexual experiences and the app that is available on both iOS and Android. They offer a series of games that aim to improve a mans well being as they play (both with the app and themselves) to try and overcome the different challenges of premature ejaculation.
The specific methodologies available with Myhixel Play, TR, and MED have been created by specialists in sexology and game-design, with the purpose of helping men to improve their performance in bed in a simple and fun way, always taking into account their individual needs. Meaning before you start you fill out a question sheet which sets up your personalised play plan to suit your needs, so mine and Martins plan will differ according to our current levels of prowess….and no we didn’t compare.
Quite understandably, these guys are secure about data, so working with cybersecurity experts the app is designed in such a way that it doesn’t need to collect personal user information, allowing gameplay to be completely anonymous. Not that you would want to see anyone’s data but it’s good to know it’s under control.

Thanking the sexologists

MYHIXEL TR // MYHIXEL I Device + Play TR Program - MYHIXEL - Touch ...

Thanks to the work of the sexologists and engineers, they have developed a unique device that uses the latest state-of-the-art technology to offer men the best possible sexual experience.
The device itself is anatomically realistic by which they mean its rather soft and “vaginal” albeit very rubbery, and its self-heating system which is meant to replicate body temperature, as well as its therapeutic vibration, allow the user to experience a sensation that simulated penetration. All these features will help men to achieve their ultimate objective to be able to take more control over their ejaculation while enjoying his progress.
It’s a revolutionary masturbation aid which combines science and technology. Its cutting-edge design was inspired by the lifestyle of 21st-century man and was created with top of the range materials to enable optimum performance and the most intense experience. Starting at €189, you can buy online with free delivery in 32 countries and they have been so kind to give us a 10% Off Voucher so use the code at checkout for a few quid off.

Technical specs

• An innovative and internationally-patented device created using the latest medical and technological advances.
• MYHIXEL I has a therapeutic vibration system which enables ejaculatory control.
• A self-heating system to achieve a temperature very similar to our body temperature.
• Clinically tested on men, with proven results.
• Offers an experience that emulates real penetration.
• MYHIXEL I has a rechargeable lithium battery.
• Manufactured with high quality and perfectly safe anti-allergic material.
• Waterproof.
• MYHIXEL I is in the process to be CE marked as a medical device.
• Certification by the FDA currently in progress.

Note to certain readers

Yes, this is a masturbatory aid, and yes it was used and if I was to give a thumbs-up review, I would give it one thumb up…because the other was busy. Anyway mother, family, and anyone has to look me in the eyes after reading this….I’m sorry you had to see this but hey we gotta do what we gotta do.

Written by

Junior Editor and host of the Goosed Podcast, Jon is passionate about phones, design and everything tech. Having joined the team in 2015 he now leads the entire Goosed podcast channel. Ask him about 3D printing or Disney movies. Read more by Jon.

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