Cardboard Gangsters is a Love/Hate movie on steroids

cardboard gangsters

Does anyone else have that itch that Love/Hate leaving the TV created? We’re fixing for more fast paced Irish gangland that’s not the RTÉ News. While many were hoping for a Love/Hate movie, Cardboard Gangsters looks like it could deliver far beyond what we’ve seen on the small screen.

The Cardboard Gangsters of Darndale Dublin

Cardboard Gangsters follows a couple of Dubs trying to take control of the drug trade in Darndale. The movie stars John Connors, best known for his appearance in Love/Hate. Connors plays Jay Connolly, a part-time DJ and low-level drug dealer. He’s loving life on the dole until that gets cut. Unlike most people, he saw this as the right time to become a gangster full-time, entering the big leagues. Like a football scout, a local kingpin sports Jay and propels him further down a violent and bloody path.

Cardboard Gangsters is already wowing audiences

The film has been rocking around the festival circuit already. It’s picked up three awards at Manchester Film Festival earlier this year. It’s even landed the Outstanding Achievement in Filmmaking at the Newport Beach Film Festival in California. There, parallels were drawn between the movie and the work of Guy Ritchie and Danny Boyle.

From one look at the trailer alone, that experience will pay off. Cardboard Gangsters might be the Love/Hate movie everyone wanted, filled with money, power and sex. This is one we’ll be counting down the days to. The date to mark in your diary is 16 June.

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Founding Editor of Goosed, Marty is a massive fan of tech making life easier. You'll often find him testing something new, brewing beer or finding some new foodie spots in Dublin, Ireland. - Find me on Threads

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